The Rundquist Diaries

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Birth 101

This past Saturday, John and I took the first of our two birthing classes at Methodist Hospital - where we will be delivering. It was a long day (8:30am-2:30pm) with lots of information, but boy was it helpful! We learned so much about logistics, stages of labor and all about the birth process - we even watched a birth on video! I couldn't believe how emotional I got with the realization that this will be happening soon for us! We also got to learn all sorts of fun relaxation and breathing techniques to help get through the hard contractions. It's my goal to do this naturally, without medication so all this information will be very helpful. Lord willing, I can make it through! I know it's not going to be easy, but I really want to give it my best effort. I am so thankful that John supports this and is willing to be my "Coach" - he's going to do a great job!

I visited the doctor yesterday and everything still looks good. I am already 31 weeks, it's hard to believe time has gone by this fast. Tomorrow (Nov 1st) I can say that the baby is coming next month! Our lives are about to a great way!

This Saturday is my first baby shower - put on by my dear friends Coral, Emily & Amber. I can hardly wait for the fun, fellowship and friends! It will be wonderful to celebrate with all these beautiful and dear women.

I hope to post pictures and fun details of the shower next week!

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

The results are in...

We are now 29.5 weeks pregnant and time is going super fast right now...

I had a doctor's appointment on Monday and it was a big day. I had to take the dreaded glucose test - drink that horrible syrupy sugar stuff - to see if I have Gestational diabetes. This morning, I got the call - I passed the test! This is a huge relief because if I didn't pass this test, I would have needed to go back for a three hour test where I have to fast beforehand and then not eat or drink anything dring the three hours that I have to sit in the clinic well the horrible syrupy sugar stuff goes through my system. I was just dreading this because if I know myself well enough, I would probably have gotten sick!

Anyway, in other news, the baby is doing well and growing a lot. I am gaining weight now, which is good. But, I have decided I am eating too many sweet things and need to cut back some! :) For the time being, the baby is head down which is great. The heart rate is around 150 so if you're going by what "they say", I should be having a girl, plus I am carrying high. Only God knows! Either way, boy or girl, we'll be happily surprised!

Our plan is have the nursery complete by Thanksgiving weekend, including having my bag packed for the hospital. We want to be prepared for anything come December. We have no way of knowing when exactly this little one will decide to make it's grand entrance into our world. I think we are right on pace to have everything ready and I am feeling more and more prepared every day. And we're getting so excited...

So, that's my update. I am now down to appointments every 2 weeks instead of 4 - it's getting close now!

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

The Homestretch!!!

Well, as of Sunday, I am officially in my 3rd Trimester! I can't believe how fast time is flying by right now, I have less than 13 weeks before my due date. Things are becoming very real...

For the out-of-towners and for anyone who'd like to are a couple pics of me - 7 months pregnant...

And here are a couple pics of the babies room...

1. When you first walk into the room

2. Turn to the left

3. And turn to the left again

It's still a work in progress, but we've got a good start!