Various thoughts...
On Being 9+ Months Pregnant
It's been a long haul indeed. I never imagined all the false labor contractions, the waiting, not going early like my mom, more than likely going to my due date, possibly longer...but, things have gone very smoothly up to this point and I have so much to be thankful for. My body is hanging in there, though it is weary and tired from carrying all this extra weight! It will be well worth it in the end.
On Becoming a Mom
I never imagined how excited I would be to start my new role as mom! All the anticipation and excitement just keeps building up and how thankful I am to God for allowing me to go through this pregnancy process and to have the privilege and honor of becoming a mother. I am counting the days, hours, minutes until I can hold this little bundle in my arms and finally be MOM!
On Faithwalkers
All of my family and a number of our close friends (around 100 Rockers to be exact) are all down at Tan-Tar-A Resort right now for Faithwalkers. It is bittersweet for us to not be there. We absolutely love this conference - it's the highlight of the year for us, but we are at home awaiting the arrival of our little baby which is so very sweet. We have been praying for the conference and all the people there every day and we can't wait to hear all about it. We're so thankful to be involved with GCA. What a wonderful group of men leading us and so many awesome saints involved with the churches. We are so blessed.
So yea, those are the thoughts rolling around in my head today. As we head into the long weekend for New Year's and as I gear up for being at home next week, with or without my babe in arms, I am so thankful for all that God has given me and blessed my life with. I am truly rich indeed.
God bless and Happy New Year!!