The Rundquist Diaries

Friday, September 15, 2006

What did we do???

Our sweet little puppy Linus (though he really can't be called a puppy anymore!) has brought us a lot of joy since we got him last February. We love his playful personality, his love of chew toys, how he chases the cats, that he enjoys sitting on our lap...but I think most of all we have always loved our SHAGGY little dog! His hair is awesome!

Well, due to our own negligence and lack of grooming (well, we cut his hair once...), he started to develop some pretty bad mats in his hair, so bad that we couldn't work them out on our own. So, something had to be done...the groomers had to be called.

Here is Linus before his BIG cut:

And here is Linus after the groomers got ahold of him:

Oh good heavens, where has our little boy gone???? We miss him so...


  • oh no! did they give him a poodle cut? I prefer his shaggy look as well. :)

    By Blogger Maren, at 8:58 AM  

  • Yes, they did give him a poodle cut and it makes me want to cry! :) We plan to let it grow back out again and then keep up with the trimming on our own so he doesn't get mats again. Hopefully within a couple months he will look a little more like our Linus!

    By Blogger celeste, at 9:30 AM  

  • It might just be that I have something against poodles, but he looks big doggish and kinda crazy. Time to invest in a good brush and yummy smelling dog wash.

    By Blogger Mama Erin, at 10:03 AM  

  • E - I agree...poor guy. We take very good care of him (wash him often, etc.) but we just hadn't cut his hair enough because we like it shaggy. Now we are paying the price as he looks like a poodle and both John and I dislike poodles! What will we do?? :)

    By Blogger celeste, at 10:12 AM  

  • Oh my gosh... I'm sorry Celeste... this is awful...

    By Blogger Adam Omelianchuk, at 10:13 AM  

  • What kinda of directions did your husband give them. Did he state he wanted it to be similar to his butched hair cut? Could we be looking at some "communication issues"? Good luck with him!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:19 PM  

  • I'm sorry, but what, exactly were you expecting would happen here?

    Let's revisit this, step by step...

    a) Your dog needed grooming.
    b) Your took your dog to the dog groomer.
    c) Preditably, the dog groomer groomed your dog.
    d) You are upset.

    I am confused, but then, I am allergic to dogs.

    By Blogger Kevin Sawyer, at 1:33 PM  

  • Anon - curious how you knew it was my husband who gave the directions to the groomer because I didn't state that? :) But yes, there was definitely a break-down in communication somewhere.

    Pray for us! :)

    By Blogger celeste, at 1:52 PM  

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